Indianola Ave, Clintonville (614) 725-2488

UAC Spring Classes: Intro to Tai Chi

Instructed by the Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA, Columbus Branch

WHEN: Starting May 6th.  6-7 pm.  Meeting every Tuesday in May. 

COST: $50 for all 4 classes.

WHERE: Meet at Westerville clinic. 405 W Main St.  Call 614-426-4406 to sign up. 

Must pre-pay and register by April 30th

This is an introduction to the movements of this ancient Chinese Exercise form which is practiced for the health benefits as it provides physical as well as mental stimulation. The slow graceful movements can be beneficial to people of all levels of fitness, helping reduce stress, improve strength and balance and increase focus and concentration. This class can be followed by a more advanced class only a few minutes away.

EVENT – Acupressure First-Aid Kit: Relief for Common Ailments That Can Be Used at Home

Acupressure First-Aid Kit: Relief for Common Ailments That Can Be Used at Home

WHEN: Wednesday
April 30, 2014

TIME: 7- 8 pm

COST: $10

WHERE: Meeting at the Westerville UAC Clinic

Register and Pre-pay by April 25th please call 614-426-4406 to sign up.  Space is limited!

Have you ever wondered what you could be doing at home in between treatments to help relieve minor pain and lingering issues? Maybe you have a family member that could really benefit from acupuncture but they won’t let us get near them with needles? In this class we will cover several powerful acupuncture points and how to do acupressure on yourself and loved ones. The points we will be focusing on are useful for many common complaints such as: pain, headaches, stress, insomnia, and digestive issues. This is a hands-on class where you will get to practice locating and stimulating each of the points.

Patient Testimonial: Life After Chemotherapy

“Sometimes you don’t know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” Georges Duhamel Almost 4 years after completing chemotherapy I was still experiencing an intense amount of neuropathy in my feet. I tried physical therapy, medications and exercise. The feeling in my feet flowed from stinging needles to shooting pain. The pain was relentless 24/7 and I had accepted that this was simply the way my life would be. As a LAST resort I decided to try acupuncture, after-all, the thought of anyone > sticking anything into me was not at all appealing.

A friend recommended Urban Acupuncture Center. This place had a soothing effect as soon as I walked in. It’s quiet, yet friendly and smells really good! The treatment room is calming with comfortable chairs, relaxing music quietly playing in the background and interesting artwork on the walls. After the very first session, all the pain in my feet disappeared. This is no exaggeration. I realize this might not be the result for everyone, but it was for me!

I was so amazed, and of course relieved, that I continued to go for weekly treatments. The sessions eventually focused on other aches and pains, my insatiable appetite and my sleepless nights and, of course my practitioner made whatever adjustments were needed to try to address my current issue. After one and a half years I thought that maybe I was “good to go” and even thought that maybe the acupuncture was really a placebo, where because I thought it was working, that it did. So I decided to take a break. I stopped going for approximately 5 weeks. It didn’t take long for my body to start to feel off-centered. By the end of 5 weeks I couldn’t wait to return.

The acupuncture brought me back to center because the acupuncture gives my body a focus of attention that nothing else does. I now recommend to people that acupuncture become their FIRST resort. I am grateful that the persistent moments of the aftermath of my chemotherapy is now a memory.

Ellen, Columbus, OH