Indianola Ave, Clintonville (614) 725-2488

Acupressure First-Aid Kit: Relief for Common Ailments That Can Be Used at Home

WHEN: Wednesday
April 30, 2014

TIME: 7- 8 pm

COST: $10

WHERE: Meeting at the Westerville UAC Clinic

Register and Pre-pay by April 25th please call 614-426-4406 to sign up.  Space is limited!

Have you ever wondered what you could be doing at home in between treatments to help relieve minor pain and lingering issues? Maybe you have a family member that could really benefit from acupuncture but they won’t let us get near them with needles? In this class we will cover several powerful acupuncture points and how to do acupressure on yourself and loved ones. The points we will be focusing on are useful for many common complaints such as: pain, headaches, stress, insomnia, and digestive issues. This is a hands-on class where you will get to practice locating and stimulating each of the points.