Indianola Ave, Clintonville (614) 725-2488

Headaches and migraine treatment

Reiki can help treat headaches and migrainesAre you suffering from migraine or debilitating headaches? Are you concerned about the side effects of medications? If so, then you must consider Reiki as a treatment option that is safe, effective, and free from side effects.

A trained massage Columbus therapist can offer you Reiki treatment that can help you get relief from headaches and migraine. Being a non-invasive treatment, Reiki is safe and provides a relaxing experience that can calm you and provide pain-relief.

The problem with headaches and migraine

Everyone would have suffered from headaches sometime or the other. It can be a painful experience that affects your daily routine. Migraine causes intense headaches that can occur frequently. Apart from pain in the head, a migraine attack can cause other symptoms like nausea, sensitivity to sound and light, and vomiting. It can be a terrible experience that affects quality of life. It is believed that nearly 12% of people in the world suffer from migraine.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an alternative therapy that uses energy healing. While there may be no clinical studies that confirm its effectiveness, thousands of people swear by it. The health benefits of Reiki make it a very popular treatment for various health problems. The work Reiki comes from two Japanese words, ‘rei’ (universal) and ‘ki’ (life energy).

Reiki tries to improve the flow of energy in the body to help the body relax and thus offers relief from pain and other symptoms. The procedure involves a trained practitioner transferring energy from their palms to your body. This transfer of energy can help the body to heal itself. It helps produce a state of deep relaxation with relief from symptoms of pain.

Reiki for headaches and migraine

Most people resort to medication to treat headaches and migraine. While medicines offer instant relief, the side effects are a major problem. Reiki can offer you a solution for migraine and headache that is free from side effects. A Reiki session can last from 30 to 90 minutes and is a private session between a practitioner and a patient.

Here is how Reiki can help treat headaches and migraines:

  • The energy transfer process in Reiki helps in producing a relaxation response from the body. This can help in the healing process. Reiki therapy leads to stress-reduction. This can have a direct impact in reducing migraine attacks. It is a known fact that stress can cause a migraine attack. So, when stress is reduced it has a direct impact on reducing migraine.
  • People suffering from pain due to the headache can experience relief in symptoms after a Reiki session.
  • The overall impact of Reiki sessions is improved mood. This not only offers pain relief but can help prevent headaches and migraine attacks.

Now that you know all about Reiki treatment for headaches and migraine, it is time to try out this treatment. Get in touch with a Reiki practitioner in Clintonville Ohio. Reiki is a part of wellness therapy that is gentle on your body and can deliver long-lasting results.

Contact Urban Acupuncture Center in Columbus, OH For More Information

For more information about how acupuncture, massage therapy and other alternative healing treatments can help you, please contact the Urban Acupuncture Center Board Certified Licensed Acupuncturist’s team at Indianola Ave, Columbus, Ohio (Clintonville) (614) 725-2488   or  click here. Taking new patients in and around greater Columbus, Ohio.