Chronic Asthma Treatment – Improve Quality Of Life

Chronic Asthma Treatment With AcupunctureAcupuncture has been used as a tool to help relieve pain for hundreds of years now. If you’re living with a condition like asthma, then acupuncture treatments can be invaluable in helping you find relief. Those who suffer from asthma usually take medication on a daily basis, to ensure that there isn’t any inflammation in their airways. They also use inhalers to find relief should they suffer from an asthma attack.

If you opt for acupuncture treatments, this doesn’t mean that you no longer have to take your medications. Instead, acupuncture offers complementary healing, that together with your medication, can help you live better.

How Acupuncture Helps People Suffering From Asthma

During an acupuncture session, the pressure points in the body are stimulated. Thin needles are inserted into the skin. These needles are then activated using gentle movements by the acupuncturist. Sometimes, electrical stimulation is used as well.

The essential idea at play here is that when pressure points in the body are stimulated, this can help the body heal. Acupuncture has a therapeutic effect on the body. A study that was conducted in 2015 and published in the ‘Pain and Medicine’ journal studied the pressure points in the human body, also known as acupoints. The study revealed that these pressure points could be releasing particular substances. It could also be sustaining changes in a way where the functions that specific organs have, are adjusted. This helps the body stay in a state of homeostasis. This in turn, can help alleviate the symptoms associated with asthma.

Acupuncture And Acupoints: The Connection To Asthma

It’s been seen that when pressure is applied to the acupoints on the body, this can release tension in the muscles. It can also boost blood circulation. During an acupuncture session, the pressure points in the body are stimulated using fine needles. This then stimulates the central nervous system.

When the central nervous system is stimulated, it ends up releasing chemicals. These chemicals reach the spinal cord, the brain, as well as the muscles in the body. This then kickstarts the healing abilities that are naturally present in the body.

There are specific pressure points that are known for helping to alleviate the symptoms of asthma. Some of these are located on areas like the chest, the back, near the torso’s front, and more. It’s been seen that acupuncture can help in relieving the symptoms of allergy in asthma patients. Asthma that’s specifically caused by allergens like mold, dust or pollen, is known as allergy asthma.

When people with asthma opt for acupuncture treatment, they can reduce the amount of inflammatory cytokines in their system within four weeks. During asthma, the airways are inflamed. But with acupuncture, you can help reduce this inflammation, and ease the symptoms of your asthma.

Acupuncture treatments, when used together with traditional asthma treatments, can help people living with asthma lead better lives.

Contact Urban Acupuncture Center in Columbus, OH For More Information

For more information about how acupuncture, massage therapy and other alternative healing treatments can help you, please contact the Urban Acupuncture Center Board Certified Licensed Acupuncturist’s team at Indianola Ave, Columbus, Ohio (Clintonville) (614) 725-2488   or  click here. Taking new patients in and around greater Columbus, Ohio.