Artist Spotlight: Jennifer Morley

Jennifer Morley is a local abstract artist working mostly with acrylics. She has a neurological condition called Synesthesia, which means that her senses are blended and sensory experiences overlap in her brain. When she listens to music the sound also has shape, color, texture, movement, and a physical position in space. She began painting as a way to capture and illustrate her sensory experiences so the could share them with others. Each of her paintings are a sensory capture of one particular song. She also recently began painting other isolated sensory experiences triggered

Artist currently on display at Clintonville UAC 



UAC Celebrates 5th Anniversary!! [VIDEO]


Today is an amazing milestone for us, as we are celebrating 5 years of service to our wonderful patients on September 20th, 2015. We weren’t sure if we were completely crazy trying to take something like this on. But, now, in retrospect, we couldn’t imagine a more fulfilling “job” to go to each day. We have had the opportunity to get to know our surrounding community and to help them the best that we can. We did a count of how many treatments we have done in this time, and it came out to approximately 60,000 treatments! Based on the average amount of needles we use, 15-20, that comes close to 1,000,000 needles. Thank you all for your support, and letting us be a part of your health and wellness.

The UAC Team