by urban-acupuncture | Jun 22, 2017 | Acupuncture
Getting Pregnant / Dealing With Infertility / Fertility Treatments
Acupuncture and Fertility
Cure is a strong word, but acupuncture might help increase your odds of getting pregnant, and the evidence it works is more than just word of mouth.
By Tula Karras
Several studies have found that women who get acupuncture treatments — whether to treat conditions that can interfere with getting pregnant (such as polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS) or to increase the chances of a successful IVF — have a higher rate of pregnancy and births. Some fertility doctors recommend acupuncture for their patients to help lower overall stress levels, because stress hormones can lower fertility hormones like progesterone. “I’ve referred patients to acupuncturists to do acupuncture in conjunction with a number of fertility treatments,” says Kathleen M. Brennan, M.D., a reproductive endocrinologist with the UCLA Fertility and Reproductive Health Center in Los Angeles. Read more.
by urban-acupuncture | Jun 5, 2017 | Acupuncture
Mood Disorder Treatment
Living with someone who is prone to mood swings can be challenging. The reason why the person behaves a certain way could be genetic. There may also be physiological reasons like hormonal imbalances, a chemical disorder, premenstrual syndrome, economic instability, limited exercise, lack of proper nutrients, medication and so on and so forth.
Treating mood swings with pill popping has been around for years. Many people resort to herbal remedies to help cure weird mood imbalances. Unfortunately, if the cause is not checked, the person will never get past the problem, which can spiral out of control down the line.
Acupuncture as a science or an alternative form of medication has a way to stabilize the mind and mood through a series of sessions. People prone to erratic moods as a behavioral pattern are frequently irritable, have difficulty concentrating, tend to feel either superior or inferior to others, suffer from headaches, cannot sleep properly and a spate of other reactive or inherent causes.
The Acupuncturist at the clinic in Columbus, OH as detailed on the website treats the symptoms and the cause of the moods that the person experiences. The Chinese science finds the faulty energy pattern, which is balanced out, to release endorphins (chemicals in the body that resonate a positive hue). By inserting sterilized needles into the areas that need positive energy, the specialist helps the person suffering from a mood disorder.
A lifestyle bordering on crazed patterns is also one of the reasons why the energy in the body is skewed over time. Balancing it out, so that the subtle and limited dopamine levels increase will result in a positive way eliminating the erratic mood swings. Stress reduction techniques along with a balanced diet and proper exercise will automatically improve the tone of the individual.
An acupuncturist is not a therapist, but he is able to dig deep down to find the reason why the person is prone to this behavior. When a child has temper tantrums parents mollycoddle her or him. When they get older, the cuteness factor becomes a bane for the family and people around the now grown up mood swinger. It is necessary to treat the problem at the earliest before it gets out of control.
There are multiple emotional reasons why people feel a tendency to act out through mood swings. It could be the loss of a loved one, a divorce, job loss, weight gain or excessive weight loss, cancer, depression and many other factors. Unless the cause is treated, the patient may not get past this stage.
The normal course of allopathy does not get into the hidden factors that cause an upset. A person may then get to meet with a shrink, which may go on for years until the individual sorts herself or himself out, through therapy. Talking things over with an expert works, as is hypnosis. Acupuncture removes the negative chinks from the body thereby making the mood swinger a happier soul.
For more information about how acupuncture and other treatments can help you, please contact the Urban Acupuncture Center Board Certified Licensed Acupuncturist’s team at Indianola Ave, Clintonville (614) 725-2488 | Main St, Westerville (614) 426-4406 or click here. Taking new patients in and around greater Columbus, Ohio.
Photo By Wildengamuld (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
by urban-acupuncture | Jun 1, 2017 | Acupuncture
Sleep Disorder Treatment
Lack of sleep for one night can trouble you the next day. Imagine having to live with a sleep deficit disorder where you cannot sleep. It can be terrifying, frustrating and cause a serious imbalance in the mind and the body, not to mention tha
t it will cause a ripple effect(s). The obvious choice is to pop a pill with the hope that you can catch some shut-eye. Unfortunately, a series of pills will invariably cloud the normal brain functioning, cut back on social interaction, cause an upset in work life resulting in limited economic stability and finally bodily imbalances.
Evidence has proven that this ancient Chinese science is slowing being taken on as a mainstream treatment in curing physiological and psychological disorders. The advantage of going through the alternative medication route is that every particular symptom is taken into account by a qualified therapist. For instance, if you are experiencing limited sleep, the cause of the problem may be deeper. A trigger can cause an upset in the way the mind functions leading to a depressed state of mind. On the other hand, a physical problem or even something emotional can result in sleep apnea. An accurate assessment is factored based on the individual so that the practitioner understands the extent of the problem and the time when the incident occurred.
The acupuncturist at the clinic located in Columbus, OH uses sterilized needles that are extremely thin and long. He inserts it in various regions of the body that are known as medians. These are also known as pressure points – where the energy flows. The needles do not cause any pain, but when you do notice them, there is a chance that you can twinge, but in reality, they do not cause pain or bleeding whatsoever. These needles channelize the life energy in various parts of the body that are blocked from responding, which could have multiple reasons. The obstructive power that has been the cause of the problem is erased and ultimately, you will be able to sleep.
Different types of sleep apnea
Chinese medication defines the different types of sleep apnea in a couple of ways. The first where one finds it difficult going to sleep, the next – waking up in the middle of the night unable to get back to the normal course of rest. Some people suffer from waking up at certain parts of the morning without being able to get back to sleep. Others experience limited sleep because of lucid dreams while in general, some may be sleep deprived because of late hours at work or an underlying emotional or physical problem. To get the best effect of the treatment requires that you visit the acupuncturist for a couple of days a week, based on the extent of the problem. Acupuncture, as a science, ensures a certain calm resulting in a peaceful sleep. Of course, as you forget the worries, you will feel rested.
For more information about how acupuncture and other treatments can help you, please contact the Urban Acupuncture Center Board Certified Licensed Acupuncturist’s team at Indianola Ave, Clintonville (614) 725-2488 | Main St, Westerville (614) 426-4406 or click here. Taking new patients in and around greater Columbus, Ohio.
by urban-acupuncture | May 14, 2017 | Acupuncture
Migraine Treatment
When you get a headache, the first thought is to pop a pill and hope that the pain will die down. Not all headaches are the same though. Migraines cause one to retch, get irritable, lose interest in food, experience some loss of vision, bring on a fever, weakness, accompanied by other symptoms. If you notice that you are about to experience sudden headaches avoid arguments or any tension.
Living with a condition like migraine can be quite frustrating because pills hardly erase the problem. Sometimes the only solution is to hope that you can catch some sleep so that you do not have to deal with the problem. Unfortunately, when there is a job to do and accomplish it come what may, a good dose of caffeine may seem like the real deal unfortunately, this can actually cause serious complications.
There is a way to iron out the problem through the traditional Chinese non-invasive treatment of acupuncture. The process works on the insertion of tiny needles inserted in trigger points, by a qualified expert. Stimulation is provided through manual or electrical process. The procedure works on increasing blood flow in the tissues. A migraine is caused because of the dilation of the blood vessels in the head. The technique is so pure that it definitely alleviates the problem unlike synthetic drugs.
At the clinic, treatment is performed on patients based on the extent of the problem. This is performed with sterilized needles while the patient lies down up. In general, people prone to migraine attacks are stressed out individuals who hardly sleep at the right times. One can put this down to an imbalanced way of life, which activates conditions like insomnia, hypertension, PMS and other conditions. The preventive method is use the right technique by a qualified expert.
Today, people work crazy hours and shifts and because of muscle tension in the neck and the upper back area, they end up with tension headaches. The natural order of things is to get the posture right but because of the eyes are usually in front of the computer, the tilt of the neck and other factors, the body feels the pressure, resulting in cluster headaches and the like. The normal solution to deal with a problem is to sit in front of the television set or catch a program on the laptop or desktop. Ergo, the eyes feel the strain, which results in a series of headaches and then migraine.
At the treatment center in Columbus, OH, the team advises lifestyle changes to reduce the incidence of headaches resulting in migraines. Sleep deficit can trigger a variety of problems, and as per doctor’s advice, 8 hours a day of rest is a necessity. Cutting back on tension, be it mental or physical strain, is also advised as is doing away with bad habits like smoking, alcohol and caffeine. A walk in the morning or late evening in the great outdoors along with a change in diet is recommended. In a nutshell, anything that causes an upset is what needs to be avoided.
For more information about how acupuncture and other treatments can help you, please contact the Urban Acupuncture Center Board Certified Licensed Acupuncturist’s team at Indianola Ave, Clintonville (614) 725-2488 | Main St, Westerville (614) 426-4406 or click here. Taking new patients in and around greater Columbus, Ohio.
Photo by Aiony Haust on Unsplash
by urban-acupuncture | May 12, 2017 | Acupuncture
Pain Relief Treatment
For any centuries now, the ancient practice of acupuncture prevails in Asian countries to relieve pain and treat many other conditions. It has become so popular now that it is now being increasingly used in both the United States as well as other countries in the west to treat conditions ranging from menstrual cramps, fibromyalgia, headaches, nerve pain like painful rashes and shingles to low back pain.
The technique of acupuncture
Traditional acupuncture procedure that originated in China uses extremely fine and thin needles that are inserted into specific “acupoints” of the skin. The technique may be able to relieve your pain as the body releases endorphins. It is the pain-killing chemical that is produced by your body. Many claim that the procedure affects part of one’s brain, which controls serotonin. The latter is a brain chemical related to mood,
The Chinese acupuncture involves the twirling or turning the needles slightly. An acupuncturist may use electrical stimulation or apply heat so that the effects are enhanced. The acupuncturist can also use a technique called moxibustion wherein a therapeutic herb is burnt near a patient’s skin.
On the other hand the acupuncture form that is used in Japan involves insertion of shallower needles as compared to Chinese acupuncture. Moreover, the needles are not manipulated usually. Meanwhile, Korean acupuncture concentrates on applying the needles to specific points in feet and hands only.
Studies have been extensively conducted on the effectiveness of the technique, particularly for back and neck pain, headache, knee pain and osteoarthritis. But despite that, researchers have now started to apprehend how acupuncture can be useful in different health conditions.
Safe treatment technique
When a well-trained and experienced practitioner uses sterile needles to perform the process, acupuncture is regarded as safe. The results derived from various studies indicate that acupuncture can alleviate chronic pain types like knee/osteoarthritis pain, neck pain, and low back pain. The technique may also lower the frequency of certain types of headaches and also helps to prevent headaches caused due to migraines.
Thus, the procedure seems to be a reasonable choice to consider for those people who are suffering from chronic pain. But the effects of acupuncture on a human body and brain and ways of measuring them are just being understood now.
In case, you are planning to try out acupuncture, take the help of an experienced professional. This is because if acupuncture is not delivered in a proper manner, there can be severe died effects like injury to nervous system and infections.
Contact Us For More Information
For more information about how acupuncture, massage therapy and other alternative healing treatments can help you, please contact the Urban Acupuncture Center Board Certified Licensed Acupuncturist’s team at Indianola Ave, Clintonville (614) 725-2488 | Main St, Westerville (614) 426-4406 or click here. Taking new patients in and around greater Columbus, Ohio.
by urban-acupuncture | Apr 13, 2017 | Acupuncture
TMJ Symptom Relief Treatment with Acupuncture
A connector between the temporal bones of the skull that is positioned in the front of the ears is known as the temporomandibular joint. This enables an individual to move his/her jaw while he/she eats, talks, sings, yawns, and laughs. When there is a problem opening the jaw resulting in a kind of lockjaw symptom, you refer to this condition as TMJ or a temporomandibular joint dysfunction. There are varieties of symptoms that rise to the fore when it comes to this condition. It could be clenching the teeth especially while sleeping, arthritis of the joint, acute stress causing or tightening of the jaw muscles. An injury to the jaw or the head muscles can also cause this disorder.
Pain Caused By TMJ
Living with excruciating pain for long periods can cause repetitive problems like headaches, pain in the shoulders/neck or even a bout of vertigo. The normal course is to use pain relievers to help ease the suffering as a means of relaxation of the muscle. Acupuncture has proven to be quite a solution in this regard, with a reduced amount of pain intensity. The ancient Chinese treatment helps heal the person from the very root cause. Not only does it iron out the chinks but issues like imbalances of the system, pain in the jaw or neck, muscular tension and stress is slowly done away with effectiveness. The muscles of the jaw are relieved of the acute pain so that the person can move the jaw freely without any spasms or discomfort. As an alternative remedy, the treatment balances the body and aids in achieving calmness, curing insomnia, and eases digestion, giving way to a good rest.
Boosting the immunity of a patient is one of the foremost objectives of any doctor. By understanding the cause and the source of the problem, the doctor prescribes a solution that enables a patient to learn how to relax. The sterilized needles, in acupuncture, are positioned on the trigger points of the body that balances the equation of the body and slowing doing away with the disorder. The objective is to find a solution to prevent a recurrence. In using this multifunctional therapy through jaw stretching exercises, the patient learns how to use their muscles correctly. There is a tendency in everyone to misuse the body with improper eating habits. For instance, biting into a huge burger can cause the hinges of the jaw acute stress. A patient prone to clenching their teeth while they sleep may require a mouth guard.
The treatment center in Columbus, OH has a variety of solutions for people suffering from this disorder. It is no breeze living with pain and if there is a remedy, there is nothing like opting for the treatment. Wisdom states that one must not self-medicate or seek the expertise of an alternative source unless there is evidence. In simple terms, using acupuncture as a means to solve a health condition works wonderfully. Using this together with regular allopathic medication will give you the results that you want, in totality. Visit the website for more information about the medium of doing away with acute TMJ.
For more information about how acupuncture and other treatments can help you, please contact the Urban Acupuncture Center Board Certified Licensed Acupuncturist’s team at Indianola Ave, Clintonville (614) 725-2488 | Main St, Westerville (614) 426-4406 or click here. Taking new patients in and around greater Columbus, Ohio.