by urban-acupuncture | Jul 10, 2018 | Acupuncture
Acupuncture can treat CPS
Chronic pain is a terrible condition where patients are continuously plagued by aches and pains. It drains their energy, disturbs their mental balance and ruins their ability to get on with normal life. It often leads to depression and the collapse of personal and workplace relationships. Where modern medicine falls short, acupuncture is the holistic solution that can help patients manage their chronic pain.
What is chronic pain?
In medical terms, chronic pain can be defined as an unpleasant sensation or experience due to tissue that has already occurred, is ongoing or likely to occur in the near future. It outlasts the period of ill health and persists well beyond the time by which any physical damage from the trauma or sickness should have healed. In some cases, the pain stretches out indefinitely. Some common conditions of chronic pain include:
- migraine, headaches, sinus issues,
- neuropathic pains, like post-herpetic neuralgia, sciatica neuritis, trigeminal neuralgia,
- neck and shoulder pain, lower back aches, sprains,
- fibromyalgia,
- abdominal pains due to menstrual cramps, interstitial cystitis, irritable bowels,
- wear and tear problems like tendinitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis,
- cancer and the side effects of chemotherapy.
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient medical practice that originated in China. It was later refined by generations of Asian practitioners and today, it enjoys popularity among chronic pain patients as a safe and effective treatment.
Traditionally, acupuncture consists of piercing extremely fine needles into specific points on the skin. At a time, four to ten needles may be used and they are placed on the skin for ten to thirty minutes. Under the deft fingers of the expert acupuncturists at our clinic in Columbus, OH, this would be quite safe and pain-free. Based on the treatment needs, our practitioner may recommend a number of such sittings. Patients can get detailed information regarding acupuncture by visiting our website, and further, by booking an appointment and consulting experts in the field at our Columbus, OH clinic.
How does acupuncture help in chronic pain syndrome (CPS) management?
According to the theory of ancient Chinese medical practice, Qi, or vital life force circulates in the body through certain meridians. It is when this flow is disturbed that we fall prey to illnesses. Acupuncture is said to work by removing the obstacles and correcting the imbalances in the flow of Qi. In this manner, it restores our body’s natural health and vigor and alleviates pain.
Though it is difficult to explain this process in terms that Western medicine can comprehend, the efficiency and efficacy of acupuncture cannot be questioned. Countless number of studies prove this. Many researchers believe that acupuncture uses the body’s own immune, endocrine and nervous systems to effect pain relief. In response to the needle piercings, when the body releases endorphins, the hormones that have the capacity reduce pain, and alters the levels of serotonin, a hormone related to mood-changes, pain disappears.
As acupuncture addresses the root cause rather than just the symptoms, there are no side effects. As a cost-effective and safe alternative treatment for patients suffering from chronic pain, acupuncture is truly a blessing.
Contact Us For More Information
For more information about how acupuncture, massage therapy and other alternative healing treatments can help you, please contact the Urban Acupuncture Center Board Certified Licensed Acupuncturist’s team at Indianola Ave, Clintonville (614) 725-2488 | Main St, Westerville (614) 426-4406 or click here. Taking new patients in and around greater Columbus, Ohio.
by urban-acupuncture | Jul 1, 2018 | Acupuncture
Can acupuncture treat pain?
Acupuncture isn’t some primitive voodoo trick that involves sticking needles into your skin. It is a traditional Asian medical practice that has the power to heal both the mind and the body by tapping into its self-healing mechanism.
Invented in China many centuries before the advent of modern medicine, the science of acupuncture was further perfected by practitioners in Japan and Korea. Over the years, it gradually spread across the globe and finally reached the shores of the Western nations. In 1996, this ancient art of healing got its first green flag from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Ever since, it has become increasingly popular as a risk-free and effective pain management treatment.
Acupuncture for pain relief
For patients suffering from chronic pain, acupuncture offers an efficient and safe remedy. As a cost-effective alternative, it gives patients a choice to free themselves from the shackles of pain without the need for any expensive chemicals, some of which may even be harmful in the long term.
A few of the conditions that can be treated with acupuncture include headaches, nerve pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, lower back aches, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, menstrual cramps, and sprains. In certain cases, it can even aid cancer treatment and provide relief from the side effects of chemotherapy. Women undergoing fertility treatment also acknowledge the help of acupuncture in improving the success rates.
Health is defined by the well being of both the body and mind. As a holistic art, acupuncture has the ability to cure not just physical pains, but emotional and mental distress such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as well. Visit for more details.
How does it work?
In its original form, acupuncture typically consists of expert practitioners carefully inserting four to ten fine needles at a time into specific points on the skin called acupoints. It is said that this helps restore wellness by correcting the imbalances in the flow of energy, or Qi, through the body.
Acupuncture’s exact pain relief mechanism is still open to debate. But it is believed that acupuncture ropes in the body’s immune, endocrine and nervous systems to effect these positive changes. Some studies say that as a result of these micro-punctures, the body releases endorphins which are hormones that have the capacity alleviate pain. Seratonin, a hormone related to mood-changes, is also said to be balanced using this technique to ensure wellbeing.
The needles may be left in place for ten to thirty minutes. For effective pain relief, patients may require up to a dozen sittings over a period of three months to start with. In a Chinese variant of this technique, slight movements of the needle, heat, mild electric pulses or burning a specific herb near the area may also be used in combination with the piercing of the needles. Japanese techniques may use needles with shallower penetration and Korean methods focus on the hands and feet. Upon paying a visit to the reputed acupuncture clinic located in Columbus, OH, patients can get detailed information regarding the course of treatment best suited for them.
For more information about how acupuncture and other treatments can help you, please contact the Urban Acupuncture Center Board Certified Licensed Acupuncturist’s team at Indianola Ave, Clintonville (614) 725-2488 | Main St, Westerville (614) 426-4406 or click here. Taking new patients in and around greater Columbus, Ohio.
by urban-acupuncture | Jun 6, 2018 | Acupuncture
Anxiety and depression treatments
With the fast-paced lifestyle habits of the day, people often ignore their health to survive the rat race. As the years go by, the effects of these unhealthy habits accumulate and they end up falling prey to stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia. Popping pills – anti-depressants, anxiety medication, sleeping pills and the like – was once seen as the quick fix solution for this malady.
Treating the symptoms doesn’t eliminate the disease. It only suppresses the illness for a while till a time where it can resurface. In addition, the chemicals pumped into the body often have serious side effects. Once people started realizing this fact, they started looking for remedies. That was how they came across acupuncture.
Acupuncture and how it works
The art of acupuncture is an ancient Asian medical practice that originated in China centuries ago. Nurtured and perfected over the years, it is now of the most effective ways to cure the mind and body alike through holistic self-healing.
How is it done? Fine needles, as thin as hair strands, are pierced into certain pressure points, called acupoints, on the skin. According to the traditional Chinese medical practices, these points are located on the meridians along which Qi, or life force circulates in the body. Ailments, both mental and physical, are caused when the delicate balance of this energy is disturbed.
By placing the needles at the correct locations any obstructions or imbalances in this can be remedies and mental and emotional health can be restored. Though it is hard to translate this process into Western medical terms, Qi may just be a metaphor for the chemical or metabolic functions of the body. Whatever that be, acupuncture taps into the body’s own immune, hormone and neurological mechanisms, and promotes well being by helping the body heal itself.
Each acupuncture session lasts for ten to thirty minutes and a number of such sittings may be necessary for complete recovery. Patients can gather further information about the process by visiting our website Consulting the experts at our Columbus, OH clinic will help patients gain a better understanding regarding how acupuncture can help them recover from anxiety or depression.
The benefits of acupuncture
Several researchers have studied the efficacy of acupuncture in treating anxiety. As expected, patients suffering from generalized anxiety disorder were found to show remarkable improvement with this treatment. In fact, in some cases, patients who were not responding even to therapy or anxiety medication reported a considerable reduction in their anxiety levels after undergoing a course of acupuncture. They had taken only ten such treatments, each session being thirty minutes long, over a span of three months.
Acupuncture addresses the root cause of the problem rather than just the symptoms. It has no side effects, and under a certified and expert acupuncturist, it is a risk-free and pain-free experience. Unlike several other anxiety and depression treatments, acupuncture delivers results that justify the investment. In addition, it offers a safe alternative to patients who had till then had no option but to seek refuge in chemicals, some of which are even hazardous to their wellbeing in the long run.
Contact Us For More Information
For more information about how acupuncture, massage therapy and other alternative healing treatments can help you, please contact the Urban Acupuncture Center Board Certified Licensed Acupuncturist’s team at Indianola Ave, Clintonville (614) 725-2488 | Main St, Westerville (614) 426-4406 or click here. Taking new patients in and around greater Columbus, Ohio.
by urban-acupuncture | Jun 1, 2018 | Acupuncture
Treatment for Tension Headaches
Today, stress is almost an integral part of our lives. But do you suffer from intermittent or frequent headaches when stressed out? Does it feel like your head is under pressure? You may be suffering from tension headaches. But worry not, acupuncture can help.
Tension headaches and why they occur
Tension headache is a relatively common phenomenon that plagues nearly three-quarters of the world’s population. Also called stress headache, myogenic headache or muscle contraction headache, it is characterized by the following traits:
- The pain is mild to moderate, without any accompanying feeling of nausea. Though not as debilitating as migraine headaches, it can be fairly unpleasant.
- The frequency of attacks may vary from patient to patient; it may be chronic, frequent episodic or come only once in a while.
- It is a bilateral pain, meaning it is present equally on both sides of the head. Patients report a feeling as if their head is pressed by a vice or as if a tight band is stretched around their head. Tenderness and tightness is felt in the area behind the eyes, forehead, temples, back of the head, neck and sometimes even in the shoulders.
- The dull aching sensation can last anywhere from half an hour to a few days at a time.
- It generally does not get worse while engaging in physical activity. But light or loud sounds may be difficult to tolerate.
Tension headache is primary, in the sense that it is a disorder in itself rather than the symptom of any underlying condition. Though conclusive reasons are yet to be established, it is said to be due to muscle tension or contraction in the neck and head area. As the name suggests, it is primarily precipitated by stress.
Acupuncture to treat tension headache
Not understanding the true nature of these pains, many people try to suppress tension headaches by taking over-the-counter or even prescribed pain-killers, muscle relaxants and even anti-depressants. But the indiscriminate ingestion of chemicals that may even have long-term side-effects, is not necessarily the right treatment approach. There is an alternative safer and more holistic cure available.
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese art of curing ailments by tapping into the body’s own resources and enabling self-healing. Using hair-thin needles to gently pierce specific points in the skin, acupuncture triggers the release of the body’s natural pain relief and calming hormones. It also empowers the brain and helps the body better deal with stress. Visit and book a consultation with the best acupuncturists in the field at our Columbus, OH clinic to understand more about how this wonderful mechanism works.
In addition, the special pattern of placement of the acupuncture needles sends a signal to the brain through the nervous system to boost the flow of blood into the muscles suffering from spasms. The increased blood flow helps the head and neck muscles relax and this eases the pain. Acupuncture treats the cause rather than the symptoms, which is why it is a safe, side-effect free and effective cure from the painful grips of tension headaches.
For more information about how acupuncture and other treatments can help you, please contact the Urban Acupuncture Center Board Certified Licensed Acupuncturist’s team at Indianola Ave, Clintonville (614) 725-2488 | Main St, Westerville (614) 426-4406 or click here. Taking new patients in and around greater Columbus, Ohio.
by urban-acupuncture | May 15, 2018 | Acupuncture
Neck Pain Relief With Acupuncture
Treatment of patients who suffer from various illnesses through acupuncture has helped restore the faith in alternative medical treatments. Take the condition of acute neck pain that occurs because of extensive travel and bad seating, terrible posture, improper sleeping positions, lousy mattresses, limited exercise/extensive exercise may be a reason to pop a pill. The ancient Chinese treatment helps sort the issue from the root. The method works as such where the licensed practitioner places sterilized thin needles in strategic points of the body, known as medians, and the negative chi is removed. As the negative energy is displaced and fades out into the unknown, the good parts take over resulting is limited and almost no pain whatsoever. The main objective in seeking out this treatment is to find a reliable professional with the credentials otherwise, one may have problems like a pinched or hurt nerve.
The Procedure
Depression has played quite a vital role. People suffering from a pain disorder withdraw into themselves and invariably find a solution through over the counter pain medication. The lack of a solution to a problem or the need for surgery to restore the fragmented structures may not have many takers. In this context, alternatives through the medium of acupressure or acupuncture work their magic. The neck is a part of the body that is not often taken care of and hence it faces the flack. The procedure works thus – the patient is briefed on the method used by the licensed practitioner who provides the patient with a host of treatment plans. Sometimes needles have a way of throwing patients off their guard and may even cause people to shift to other modes of science as a treatment option. While allopathic medication does alleviate the problem, the two – acupuncture and western medication work in tandem to handle the problem.
Variety of Factors Cause Neck Pain
A good work chair makes a whole difference. Ergonomic work chairs are very necessary for individuals suffering from neck, back (upper and lower) pain. People, who are seated for long hours at a stretch, need to be seated right. The effect of acupuncture works as does every form of medication provided the patient also does her/his bit like a change in diet, shedding weight, and freedom from stress. Very often illnesses manifest because of underlying conditions like bipolar disorder, sleep apnea, or anything else that causes a form of transference to a much-overstressed part in the body. The two, therefore, manifest into a full-blown condition resulting in repetitive stress disorder in certain pockets of the body like the neck for instance. The clinic located in Columbus, OH is the best bet, as the expert knows his way around the science and sorts out the issue from the get. Head over to the website for detailed information about the workings of the ancient Chinese science and find a solution to the problem.
The FDA has approved the medium of this alternative science as mainstream medication as the results have proven to be amazing. It, therefore, goes to prove that one can get immense relief from extensive neck pain with the right professional on the job through acupuncture.
Contact Us For More Information
For more information about how acupuncture, massage therapy and other alternative healing treatments can help you, please contact the Urban Acupuncture Center Board Certified Licensed Acupuncturist’s team at Indianola Ave, Clintonville (614) 725-2488 | Main St, Westerville (614) 426-4406 or click here. Taking new patients in and around greater Columbus, Ohio.
by urban-acupuncture | May 1, 2018 | Acupuncture
Carpal Tunnel Treatment
The extensive use of the hands and the fingers with constant typing, texting, playing a musical instrument and general overuse results in a repetitive disorder referred to as carpal tunnel syndrome. It is caused primarily because of overuse, a pinched nerve, numbing in the region and constant tingling. The best advice in treating the problem is to rest the damaged hand/s so that they are free from extraneous suffering. But if the work demands that you use your hands and the mouse, which is quite a silent trigger, you just have to get down to brass tacks, period. Underlying illnesses like hypothyroidism, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis are some of the usual suspects.
Licensed Practitioner
Nursing the hands when the symptoms appear with extremes of water like icy cold water or warm water can relieve the pain or the cause. However, it does not address the issue. Today with the wide range of solutions that acupuncture brings to the fore, it is a wise source to sort out the issue from the base. The chief licensed practitioner ascertains the damage and finds a solution through certain parts of the body. The sterilized needles are poked at certain medians of the body that show incredible promise in solving the problem from within. At the clinic located in Columbus, OH, patients do not need to worry about the specialist as he has the wherewithal in the domain. Having had years of experience to prove his mettle, with happy patients, his skills rid the problem after one session or a series of sessions.
A Solution
The good news is that doctors are also advocating the ancient Chinese science as a solution to the problem or carpal tunnel. The needles are used for one patient at a time and discarded immediately, therefore, the problem of toxicity is not on the cards. The risks of acupuncture are low, provided one head over to an experienced specialist. Visit the website for detailed information about the procedure and the possibility of side effects if any. Persistent pain is never a sign of good health and wrist pain can be quite a nuisance and pretty troubling. Normal activities end up becoming a chore.
Acupuncture to the Rescue
Through the years, studies have proven that acupuncturists are a boon to the world of modern medication. Working in tandem with professionals in the realm of medicine in finding a cure for an illness like carpal tunnel, arthritis, headaches, muscle pain, back illness and a host of other maladies ensures a win-win for all concerned. Clinical trials conducted have proved over time that the ancient science has a solution rather than a mere placebo effect. The body has a series of meridians that are energy driven and the placement of the needles in over 360 points of the body has myriad reactions. The negative chi is replaced with a positive balance thereby reducing bad tonality on the hands and easing the tension so that the pain and discomfort are reduced. The energy of the patient is then rebalanced and restored providing her/him with a balance of power and freedom from any pain or carpal tunnel syndrome.
Contact Us For More Information
For more information about how acupuncture, massage therapy and other alternative healing treatments can help you, please contact the Urban Acupuncture Center Board Certified Licensed Acupuncturist’s team at Indianola Ave, Clintonville (614) 725-2488 | Main St, Westerville (614) 426-4406 or click here. Taking new patients in and around greater Columbus, Ohio.